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Datalogic Gryphon I GD4430-B二維影像手持條碼掃描器

Gryphon 4000 系列代表著 Datalogic ADC 在多用途應用方面的高級數據采集設備。Gryphon I GD4400-B 多功能成像器的設計以人為本,融合了先進的 2D 解碼和運動感應技術,使設備容易操作,性能優異。

Gryphon I GD4430-B 配有 Datalogic 的 Motionix運動感應技術,可感測到操作者的動作,從而將設備自動轉換到手持或顯示模式掃描。拿起或放下時,Motionix 技術可實現設備掃描模式的無縫轉換,無需掃描標簽或依賴機械開關。

作為多功能設備,Gryphon I GD4430-B 掃描器將自帶的可傾斜底座和人體工學的手持式閱讀器相結合,便于手持和顯示讀取。多功能成像器可根據個體掃描偏好調整到任何角度。由于電纜連接高于柜臺上方一定距離,可避免因灑出或濺出的液體浸入而受損。

Gryphon I GD4430-B 成像器深紅色的照明燈持續穩定,使用戶的操作舒適度達到最佳。相比照明閃爍不定的其他同類產品,掃描時眼睛更為舒適,高可視的四點瞄準器限定了精確的讀取區域,減少了意外讀取的機率。瞄準器的中心十字標為多種條形碼環境下的目標掃描提供了定位功能。

Gryphon I GD4430-B產品功能:
◆ Motionix 運動感應技術可實現無縫讀取模式轉換
◆ 高可視的 4 點瞄準器帶有適用于目標掃描的中心十字標
◆ 自帶的可傾斜的底座適用于手持或顯示全方位讀取
◆ 傾斜角度:+30 o / -15 o
◆ 先進的運動容限光學功能
◆ 圖像捕捉和文檔掃描功能
◆ 讀取1D、2D和 Postal 條碼以及 Stacked 和 Composite 條碼
◆ 多接口選項:RS-232 / USB / 鍵盤仿真 / 光筆
◆ Datalogic“綠點”專利可提供有效讀取反饋

Gryphon I GD4430-B詳細規格參數

光源:瞄準: 650 nm VLD
影像感應器:Wide VGA; 752 x 480 pixels
影像撲捉:圖像格式: BMP, JPEG, TIFF; Greyscale:256, 16, 2
打印對比度(最小):25% 移動公差:25 IPS25% 識讀指示:Datalogic Green Spot 綠點成功識讀反饋; 蜂鳴器(音調可調); 識讀LED
分辨率(最大):1D Linear: 0.102 mm / 4 mils;Data Matrix: 0.178 mm / 7 mils;PDF417: 0.102 mm / 4 mils
識讀角度:卷曲度: 180°; 斜度: +/- 40°; 歪曲度(偏離): +/- 40°
GD4430-B Standard Range (SR):Code 39: 5 mils: 4.0 至 19.0 cm / 1.6 至 7.5 in; Code 39: 10 mils: 1.0 至 30.0 cm / 0.4 至 11.8 in; Data Matrix: 10 mils: 2.0 至 16.0 cm / 0.8 至 6.3 in; Data Matrix: 15 mils: 0 至 23.6 cm /0 至 9.3 in; EAN-13: 13 mils: 1.5 至 40.0 cm / 0.6 至 15.7 in;PDF417: 10 mils: 0.5 至 22.0 cm / 0.2 至 8.6 in ;QR Code: 10 mils: 3.0 至 12.5 cm / 1.2 至 4.9 in
解碼能力:二維碼:Aztec Code; Data Matrix; MaxiCode;Micro QR Code; QR Code; 中國漢信碼
一維碼/線性碼:對所有標準一維碼包括GS1 DataBar線 性碼可自動區分和譯碼
堆棧碼:EAN/JAN Composites; GS1 DataBar Composites; GS1 DataBar Expanded Stacked; GS1 DataBar Stacked; GS1 DataBar Stacked Omnidirectional; MacroPDF; MicroPDF417; PDF417;UPC A/E Composites
郵政碼:IMB; KIX Post; Planet Code; Postnet; Royal Mail Code (RM4SCC); 中國郵政 碼; 日本郵政碼; 澳大利亞郵政碼; 英國郵 政碼; 韓國郵政局代碼
電流:工作狀態(標稱): < 160 mA @ 5 VDC;待機/空閑(標稱): 65 mA @ 5 VDC
輸入電壓:4.2 至 5.25 VDC
環境光:0 - 100,000 lux
ESD靜電保護(空中放電):16 kV
濕度(非冷凝):5 - 95%
溫度:工作狀態: 0 至 50 °C;儲藏/運輸: -20 至 70 °C
接口:RS-232 / USB / Keyboard Wedge / Wand Multi-Interface
應用程序:DATALOGIC ALADDIN:Datalogic Aladdin 設置軟件可以免費下載
可選顏色:白色; 黑色
尺寸:19.2cm x 8.9 cmx 11.9 cm
重量:368.5 g
保修期(附件除外): 5年

Gryphon I GD4430-B產品和型號:
Gryphon I GD4430-B型號和套件 編號
Gryphon I GD4430, 2D Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW/WE Multi-Interface, All in One, Black with Permanent Base GD4430-BK-B
Gryphon I GD4430, 2D Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW/WE Multi-Interface, All in One, White with Permanent Base GD4430-WH-B
Gryphon I GD4430, 2D Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW/WE Multi-Interface, Black GD4430-BK
Gryphon I GD4430, 2D Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW/WE Multi-Interface, HD, Black GD4430-BK-HD
Gryphon I GD4430, 2D Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW/WE Multi-Interface, HD, White GD4430-WH-HD
Gryphon I GD4430, 2D Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW/WE Multi-Interface, White GD4430-WH
Gryphon I GD4430, Kit, KBW, 2D Iamger, USB/RS-232/KBW Multi-Interface, White (Incl. Scanner with All in One Base and Cable 90G001010) GD4430-WHK3B
Gryphon I GD4430, Kit, KBW, 2D Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW Multi-Interface, Black (Incl. Scanner and Cable 90G001010) GD4430-BKK3
Gryphon I GD4430, Kit, KBW, 2D Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW Multi-Interface, Black (Incl. Scanner with All in One Base and Cable 90G001010) GD4430-BKK3B
Gryphon I GD4430, Kit, KBW, 2D Imager, USB/Rs-232/KBW Multi-Interface, Black (Incl. Scanner, Holder 11-0360 and Cable 90G001010) GD4430-BKK3H
Gryphon I GD4430, Kit, KBW, 2D Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW Multi-Interface, Black (Incl. Scanner, Stand and Cable 90G001010) GD4430-BKK3S
Gryphon I GD4430, Kit, KBW, 2D Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW Multi-Interface, White (Incl. Scanner and Cable 90G001010) GD4430-WHK3
Gryphon I GD4430, Kit, KBW, 2D Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW Multi-Interface, White (Incl. Scanner, Holder 11-0362 and Cable 90G001010) GD4430-WHK3H
Gryphon I GD4430, Kit, KBW, 2D Imager, USB/RS232/KBW Multi-Interface, White (Incl. Scanner, Stand and Cable 90G001010) GD4430-WHK3S
Gryphon I GD4430, Kit, RS-232, 2D imager, USB/RS-232/KBW Multi-Interface, Black (Incl. Scanner with All in One Base, Power Supply 4004-0849 and Cable 90G001070. Power Adapter Sold Separately.) GD4430-BKK2B
Gryphon I GD4430, Kit, RS-232, 2D Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW Multi-Interface, Black (Incl. Scanner, Holder 11-0360, Power Supply 4004-0849 and Cable 90G001070. Power Adapter Sold Separately.) GD4430-BKK2H
Gryphon I GD4430, Kit, RS-232, 2D Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW Multi-Interface, Black (Incl. Scanner, Power Supply 4004-0849 and Cable 90G001070. Power Adapter Sold Separately.) GD4430-BKK2
Gryphon I GD4430, Kit, RS-232, 2D Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW Multi-Interface, Black (Incl. Scanner, Stand, Power Supply 4004-0849 and Cable 90G001070. Power Adapter Sold Separately.) GD4430-BKK2S
Gryphon I GD4430, Kit, RS-232, 2D Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW Multi-Interface, White (Incl. Scanner, Holder 11-0362, Power Supply 4004-0849 and Cable 90G001070. Power Adapter Sold Separately.) GD4430-WHK2H
Gryphon I GD4430, Kit, RS-232, 2D Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW Multi-Interface, White (Incl. Scanner, Power Supply 4004-0849 and Cable 90G001070. Power Adapter Sold Separately.) GD4430-WHK2
Gryphon I GD4430, Kit, RS-232, 2D Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW Multi-Interface, White (Incl. Scanner, Stand, Power Supply 4004-0849 and Cable 90G001070. Power Adapter Sold Separately.) GD4430-WHK2S
Gryphon I GD4430, Kit, RS-232, USB/RS-232/KBW Multi-Interface, White (Incl. Scanner with All in One Base, Power Supply 4004-0849 and Cable 90G001070. Power Adapter Sold Separately.) GD4430-WHK2B
Gryphon I GD4430, Kit, USB, 2D ImageGryphon I GD4430, Kit, USB, 2D Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW/WE Multi-Interface, Black (Kit inc. Imager and USB Cable 90A052065 and Stand) GD4430-BKK12S
Gryphon I GD4430, Kit, USB, 2D imager, USB/RS-232/KBW Multi-Interface, Black, (Incl. Scanner, Holder and Cable 90A052044) GD4430-BKK1H
Gryphon I GD4430, Kit, USB, 2D imager, USB/RS-232/KBW Multi-Interface, White (Incl. Scanner, Holder and Cable 90A052044) GD4430-WHK1H
Gryphon I GD4430, Kit, USB, 2D Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW/WE Multi-Interface, Black (Kit inc. Imager and Enhanced USB Cable 90A052065) GD4430-BKK12
Gryphon I GD4430, Kit, USB, 2D Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW/WE Multi-Interface, Black (Kit inc. Imager and USB Cable CAB-426E and Stand) GD4430-BKK1S
Gryphon I GD4430, Kit, USB, 2D Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW/WE Multi-Interface, Black (Kit inc. Imager and USB Cable CAB-426E) GD4430-BKK1
Gryphon I GD4430, Kit, USB, 2D Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW/WE Multi-Interface, Black w/ Permanent Base (Kit inc. Imager and USB Cable CAB-426E) GD4430-BKK1B
Gryphon I GD4430, Kit, USB, 2D Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW/WE Multi-Interface, White (Kit inc. Imager and USB Cable CAB-426E and Stand) GD4430-WHK1S
Gryphon I GD4430, Kit, USB, 2D Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW/WE Multi-Interface, White (Kit inc. Imager and USB Cable CAB-426E) GD4430-WHK1
Gryphon I GD4430, Kit, USB, 2D Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW/WE Multi-Interface, White w/ Permanent Base (Kit inc. Imager and USB Cable CAB-426E) GD4430-WHK1B

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